Yoga,Lupus and Me
What I had suspected for some time, is true. I, Espi Mansi, the ‘fit and healthy’ yoga teacher, has Lupus.
To be honest, when the test results came through, I felt validated. You see, for two years I have been exhausted, unwell and not quite myself. I had passed off a lot of this as having a new baby, and then my dad dying… but those things became recent history while I was still exhausted and unwell. I started wondering if there was something more.
I knew something had to be done when our (and by our, I mean my whole family as it does affect the entire household) quality of life was taking a dip. I had no energy to cook, clean, care for myself or be a parent who could enjoy time with her kids. I was absolutely busting a gut to do my job as a fitness, swimming and yoga teacher. But I was completely depleted.
I started having to take time off work because the “exhaustion” was making me ill. Then my employers became impatient with me and the attendance management meetings began. It was crunch time.
I had to decide whether I would keep working for my employer, making promises that I could not keep about my attendance, or whether I would find another way.
I went the other way. A decision that I found difficult as I loved the work I was doing, but also a decision that I am incredibly privileged to be able to make.
I am still teaching a couple of in-person classes a week at Pivot Physiotherapy Clinic in Stoke (I would love you to come along if you are local). I’ll also be starting to write more blogs, and I am considering launching some online courses.
I think the wisest thing I can do right now though, is to use the experience of having lived with Lupus for at least two years to shape how I manage my energy in the future and how I can help other people living with autoimmune conditions, too. To pay attention to how I am feeling, how my body is responding, and how I can use Yoga to maintain my wellbeing, rather than trying to spread myself too thinly as a teacher.
I have been reading a very enlightening book called - When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate. If you are interested in the effects of stress on the body and whether that hidden stress plays a role in autoimmune conditions, I’d highly recommend it.
There’s going to be a lot more reflection on Yoga, lifestyle, wellbeing and managing a condition like Lupus here on this blog. I hope you find it useful.
Please note that I use affiliate links in some of my posts. I will earn a small commission on any orders placed. I will only ever suggest things that I think are brilliant.