Yoga Terms - Helping You Understand the Language of Yoga

Have you ever found yourself in a yoga class where the teacher says a word that you don’t understand? (That’s OK. Even after all these years of practice, I find it useful to have an index of yoga terms.) 

Not only does it make it easier to understand what’s going on in class (especially if you’ve got a teacher who uses Sanskrit terminology like me!), it helps you to form a deeper understanding of the ancient discipline of yoga. 

This post contains some of the words that you may come across while studying yoga. I plan on creating another post that deep dives into the names of each asana, too. 

If you are a student, or training to teach yoga, I hope this is a helpful resource for you.


  • Abhaya - A release or a freedom from fear.

  • Agni - Fire (often referred to as the digestive fire/digestive system)

  • Ahimsa - Non-violence or non-harming.

  • Ajna (chakra) - A collection of nerves or a chakra which sits between the eyebrows. Ajna = command

  • Anahata (chakra) - The nerve plexus or chakra located in the heart region or chest.

  • Annamaya Kosa - The physical body and the material world. 

  • Aparigraha - Non-hoarding of items.

  • Asana - The physical movements used in yoga

  • Asmita - Egoism

  • Asteya - Non-stealing

  • Atma - The supreme soul or being. Brahman.

  • Ayurveda - The ancient Vedic science of wellbeing


  • Bandha - Bondage or lock. It is a posture where certain parts of the body are contracted and controlled. 

  • Bhagavad Gita - An ancient text explaining the sacred dialogue between Krsna and Arjuna. This book is one of the most important in Hindu philosophy.

  • Bhakti - Love, devotion and worship.

  • Bija - A seed. 

  • Brahma - The supreme being, the creator, the universe.


  • Chakra - This means wheel or circle. In yoga, it is believed that the energy flows through Nadis in the body, where the nadis cross, chakras can be found. They are said to regulate the body’s systems. 

  • Chandra - The moon

  • Chit - Thoughts and perceptions

  • Chitta - The mind, which includes three categories: Manas (attention), Buddhi (makes distinctions, concentration), and Ahamkara (ego).


  • Dharma - To uphold and support, to work well and be dedicated to the path.

  • Dhyana - Meditation

  • Drishti - A point to place your focus on.


  • Ekagra - A fixed focus on one object or point. All mind is focused on that point. 


  • Jivatma - The individual soul.

  • Jnana - Sacred knowledge and a way of understanding one's nature. 


  • Karma - Action

  • Kosa - A sheath or covering. Annamaya kosa is an example. The other kosas are pranayama kosa - The physiological sheath that includes the respiratory system. Manomaya kosa - the psychological sheath. Vijnanamaya kosa - The intellectual sheath. Ananadamaya - the spiritual sheath.

  • Kriya - A cleansing process

  • Kundalini - divine cosmic energy said to reside at the seat of the spine.


  • Manas  - The individual mind

  • Mantra - Vedic hymn or song, used in meditation.

  • Moksa - Liberation, freedom from the recurring births into new lifetimes.

  • Mula - Base or root

  • Muladhara (chakra) - Chakra is situated at the base of the spine. 


  • Nadi - Tubes that allow energy to flow through the subtle body.

  • Nidra - sleep

  • Nirvana - Eternal bliss - free from existence.

  • Niyama - Disciplines that help to purify the practitioner. The second stage of yoga according to Patanjali.


  • Patanjali - The author of the Yoga Sutras.

  • Pitta - Bile

  • Prakrti - Nature

  • Prana - The breath, vital energy, connecting to the soul. 

  • Pranayama - The practice of cultivating prana with breathing practices.

  • Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the mind from outward senses and distractions.


  • Raga - Attachment

  • Rajas - actions, emotions and passions

  • Rama - Lord Vishnu - the seventh incarnation. 


  • Sadhaka - An aspirant or student

  • Sadhana - the practice or journey that the sadhaka is on. 

  • S(h)akti - The female aspect of the divine or power, strength and energy

  • Samkalpa - Intention or aim

  • Samskara - your mental view of the past

  • Sanskrit - An ancient language used throughout yoga practices and philosophical teachings.

  • Santosha - contentment.

  • Sattva - Pure and good. 

  • Satya - Truth

  • Siddha - a sage or prophet.

  • Siddhi - accomplishments and success OR superhuman powers.

  • Sri - auspicious, great or beautiful

  • Sthirata - Steadiness

  • Surya - Sun

  • Svadhyaya - Self-study


  • Tamas - ignorances

  • Tapas - burning away or purifying


  • Ujjayi - A type of pranayama often used in asana class. 


  • Vata - wind

  • Veda - Sacred texts of the Hindu culture.

  • Vishnu - the second deity of the Hindu trinity.

  • Vritti - a behaviour or way of being. 


  • Yama - The first of the eight limbs of yoga and also the god of death. 

  • Yoga - Union or joining


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