Exploring the Sacral Chakra - How Svadisthana affects our emotional balance and creativity

As part of our deep dive into the Chakras, we are looking at Svadisthana Chakra, the sacral chakra and how it affects our being. Svadisthana is responsible for our creative energies, our sexual energies and our emotional balance. It also maintains the functioning of our kidneys, bladder and reproductive system.

Discover Svadisthana Chakra

Sva = self, Sthan = dwelling place.

The second of seven energy centres within the body, Svadisthana, the sacral chakra, is the dwelling place of Vyana, a force that controls the energy flow around the body. It is also associated with the regulation of the water element within us and the free flow of energies throughout the body, including the energy of our thoughts. 

What is Vyana?

Vyana is a prana (life force) that resides within the second chakra, Svadisthana. Vyana is the energy of circulation and connects all of the body’s functions by flowing through the nadis. Too much Vyana will leave us feeling jittery and hyper-active, too little and we will feel apathetic and lethargic. 

What happens when I balance my Svadisthana Chakra? 

You will have a sense of creativity and be able to enjoy life's pleasures while remaining disciplined. Your relationships will be harmonious and your emotions will feel balanced. 

How do I know if my sacral chakra is out of balance? 

Some signs that Svadisthana chakra is out of balance are; excessive sexual thoughts, a lack of creativity and a feeling of emotional instability. 

How do I know if my Sacral Chakra is blocked? 

If there is a blockage in the energy flow for Svadisthana chakra you may experience the following;

  • Emotional upheaval/unbalance emotions

  • Apathy

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Menstrual problems

  • Sinusitis

  • Issues with spleen, kidney and bladder

  • Hip issues

  • Lower back stiffness/pain

  • Low self-esteem

  • Compulsive behaviour

How can I balance and heal Svadisthana/Sacral Chakra?

There are many ways to balance and heal Svadisthana including; 

  • Sacral/Svadisthana chakra meditation

  • Affirmations that will strengthen the sacral chakra such as; ‘I am creative’

  • Asana that focus on the sacral chakra such as; Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

  • Chanting the Beej mantra ‘Vam’

  • Ujjayi pranayama

  • Proper hydration

  • Being close to water - a river or a lake, or even a bath or shower. 

The Svadisthana chakra is our centre of creativity and needs to be looked after to live a happy, fulfilling life. It is the seat of our passion and creativity and is governed by the water element. When Svadisthana, the sacral chakra is balanced, life flows effortlessly and we feel passionate, yet disciplined.


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